Chihuahuas are one of the more popular tiny breeds of dog out there and that’s for good reason!
This little and proud breed of dog is loyal and dedicated to their favorite people, but what kind of things do they love besides their owners?
Well, let’s dive right into the powerful but wee little lap dog and all of the things that they adore, including you!
By Allison Salonko.
Allison is a Veterinary Technician in the state of Indiana. She graduated from International Business College and Vet Tech Institute of Indianapolis with a degree in Animal Science and Technology in 2011.
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#1 Their Favorite Person
Chihuahua’s are a lovable and feisty dog that can be intensely dedicated to one person in particular.
So much so, that this breed has a tendency to develop anxiety when they are separated from their favorite human.
#2 A Comfy Sweater
Because most Chihuahuas weigh less than 10 lbs and have short or fine hair, it’s not unusual for them to get cold.
This breed can benefit from wearing warm sweaters during the time of year that the weather drops.
Even when it’s warm out, if you’re running the air conditioning, your little Chi will probably want to be wearing their cozy sweaters.
Oh, and when it’s icy outside, dog booties are almost a must to protect their little paws!
#3 A Snuggly Bed
All dogs deserve a comfortable bed to sleep and rest in.
However, our little spoiled Chihuahuas will have a huge selection of luxurious dog beds to choose from at pet stores and online.
It’s guaranteed your pup will probably enjoy any bed that you put in front of them, but I recommend looking for donut shaped beds that are furry and easy to burrow in.
#4 Treats And Toys
What dog doesn’t love toys and treats?
Well, Chihuahuas are no exception and these little guys can be just as playful as any other breed.
Because they are so small, these dogs have a tendency to become overweight, so make sure that you are not going overboard on the number of treats they get in a day.
#5 Pet Slings
Thankfully, Chihuahuas don’t usually weigh too much, plus they’re pint sized so it’s easy to carry them around.
In order to save your arm and free up a hand, you can get a pet sling carrier.
They have numerous designs and sizes so it will be easy to find one that fits your style and pet.
The Yudodo pet sling is a perfect choice for most Chihuahuas!
Chihuahuas – A Lot Of Dog In A Little Body
These littles guys may be adorable and small but they are fierce and loyal.
Your Chihuahua is sure to love you with all of their heart, and incorporating these few items into their daily life will certainly make your little best friend even happier.
Read next: Dog litter boxes vs pee pads?
Photo by Quang.