How Are Great Danes As Pets? [3 Major Drawbacks To Consider]

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Choosing a pet is a very exciting time in a person’s life.

Getting a puppy is especially exhilarating. This little furry bundle of joy will hopefully be with you for many years!

But before picking a dog breed, it’s important to know what sort of pet that tiny pup will grow into. Today, let’s look at how Great Danes are as pets.

We already know they are sweet-tempered, trainable, and affectionate.

But what about drawbacks?

By the end of this blog, you will be better positioned when it comes to deciding whether this is the right dog breed for you.

Written by Jen, proud owner of a 3-year-old Great Dane/Poodle mix named Luna, who is her once in a lifetime “heart dog.”

Jen specializes in the care and training of large dog breeds. She particularly enjoys working with Great Danes (for their big, goofy natures) and Poodles (for their intelligence).

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Ew! Drool and slobber everywhere…

…even on the ceiling

Great Danes are messy pets.

There’s just no other way to say it.

Those huge paws track mud into the house.

Long tails whip back and forth, knocking over glasses and cups that somebody was foolish enough to leave sitting on a table.

A hyper Great Dane feeling the “zoomies” can and will knock over furniture and send pillows flying (especially as puppies before they learn to calm down).

But by far the most concerning aspect of pet ownership when it comes to a Great Dane is the drool.

This is due to their flappy lips and loose skin, which creates pockets for saliva.

This slobber then gets shaken onto the floor, the couch, the walls. Even the ceiling, believe it or not.

Unlike a pet goldfish, Great Danes will go everywhere in the house.

Naturally, their drool follows.

Therefore, they don’t make good pets for people who consider themselves fastidious cleaners or neat freaks.

Short-lived, compared to other dog breeds

When asked, “How are Great Danes as pets?” the first thing I usually respond with (after bragging about how fun these gentle giants are) is to warn people that they don’t live very long. It’s a sad fact.

Great Danes don’t normally live past the age of 8.

This is due to a whole slew of health issues, such as bloat, joint and bone disease, heart problems, etc.

As pets Great Danes are not a good choice for somebody who wants a dog that will be with them for more than 10 years.

On the other hand, people who prefer a shorter commitment might find this a pro – not a con – when considering which type of pet to get.

It all comes down to the lifespan you are looking for in a pet.

Great Danes are ridiculously expensive pets to feed

Furthermore, Great Danes eat… and eat… and eat.

According to Great Dane Care, a full-grown adult dog will chow down on 6 – 10 cups of dry kibble per day. No kidding!

So, when thinking about having this dog breed as a pet, prospective buyers should honestly review their finances.

It can cost anywhere between $100 – $200+ every month just to fill the stomachs of these big pups.

That doesn’t even include treats, raw food toppings, or Great Danes with allergies and food sensitivities that require specialized diets and medications, etc.  

If you think that’s pricey, have a look to this: Pet Budget estimates that the average lifetime cost of owning a Great Dane is a jaw dropping $20,015.

As pets then, Great Danes are expensive.

The takeaway? Yes, Great Danes make great pets. Just not for everyone

Above all, those considering a Great Dane as a pet must do their research.

These dogs are easygoing, popular and eye catching.

However, raising a Great Dane to be a happy, healthy, and respectful pooch takes time and effort.

The good news is, you’re off to a great start by reading Praise the Dogs!

Photo by George.